SBC Woman's annual cover
in Published
Jessica Kimura is killing it!! switch frontside boardslide redirect, Ottawa, Ontario, Kanada. love it. so happy for all her accomplishments this year. I get more requests for this girl then all the others put together. that's sayings alot.
Check out our cover and her full interview, in stores now.
Behind the cover..
..inside Snowboard Mag
KIMURA goes big in Japan
with a tiny photo in Transworld Japan. still counts for something. :)
SB Mag 2010 - Ms. Superpark - O'brien, Valaika, Neil, Kimura, Quigley, Kelly
SB MAG 2010 - Alaska - Kimmy Fasani, Leanne Pelosi, Hana Beaman
SB MAG 2010 - Peepshow - Ottawa story
SB Mag 2010 - Ellery Hollingsworth
CAPITA - Jessica Kimura AD and Poster
in Published
This girl slaughters it. Capita Devours Everything.
Check her out in the new Snowboarder Mag Girls Issue, and interview in SBC coming soon!!